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Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Authority
Construction of two primary clarifiers, an aerobic digester, digester control building, headworks improvements, installation and commissioning of an owner-furnished biosolids drying system, and a hauled waste receiving and pump station at the Three Rivers Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. Other work includes a flow splitter structure and gates, replacement of primary sludge pumps and piping, associated yard piping, electrical upgrades, instrumentation and controls upgrades, grading and drainage improvements, and paving. The work includes demolition of two clarifiers, existing headworks channels, primary diversion structure, primary sludge pumps and piping, grit removal equipment, hauled waste station equipment, and solids handling equipment. The headworks improvements include installation of a grit chamber and bypass structure. Solids handling improvements will include installation of several sludge pumps, a rotary drum thickener, and a drum dryer system.