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Pat Farrell


Seattle, WA


Stormwater Basin 2: Installation of a central pre-cast stormwater vault in preparation for future terminal operations at the north end of the Terminal 46 container terminal. This vault will be installed near the end-of-line of a 36-inch diameter outfall pipe for a 20-acre drainage basin, in conjunction with replacement of the outfall pipe through the existing wharf bulkhead. Installation of the deep stormwater vault involves significant shoring for required excavation, as well as dewatering and temporary reroute of upstream stormwater conveyance to facilitate vault placement/outfall replacement. Dock Rehab: Repair and rehabilitation of the existing under-dock concrete pile caps and deck panels at the northwest corner of the wharf (bents N66 through N77). The dock rehabilitation work includes providing under dock scaffolding and floats for access beneath the dock to remove significant portions of deteriorated concrete and spalls, repair corroded reinforcement and recast concrete to replace removed material. More significant repair is required for the existing diagonal pile cap at bent N72, which requires removal of ballast material located on-top of the precast deck panels and temporary shoring to support the deck during repair.

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