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Port Orchard




The project consists of work to be performed within 450 working days and consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and other work or items incidental theretofore and as generally described as follows: The City of Port Orchard’s Marina Pump Station receives all the City’s wastewater and pumps it to a joint-use wastewater treatment plant. This wastewater pump station is being upgraded to increase pumping capacity to over 8,000 gpm and add emergency wastewater storage. The City of Port Orchard’s Marina Pump Station Improvements project consists of the construction of a below-grade, cast-in-place concrete emergency storage structure, which will require excavating over 26 feet deep, and a new valve vault. Modifications to the existing below-grade pump station include installing a temporary bracing system for removal of the existing roof, extending the walls 4 feet taller, and casting a new roof/foundation system to support an above-grade multi-use facility building. This facility will house an emergency pump, electrical, odor control, below-grade staircase access to the pump station, and a publicly accessible ADA restroom. Three new 200 HP pumps with updated suction and discharge piping and a crane removal system are to be installed inside the existing wastewater wet well/dry well type pump station. Site work is to include deep excavation in poor soils, temporary shoring, dewatering, landscaping, and utility work for 18- and 24-inch sewer force main, 30-inch sewer gravity pipe with appurtenances, and installation of a new 450 kW generator.

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